Del 11/04/2020 to 11/06/2020
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
The worrying and serious international situation caused by the coronavirus outbreak forced us to cancel EPICS IX. After having made the necessary arrangements with our plenary speakers, we would like to inform that our intention is to hold EPICS IX on 4-6 NOVEMBER 2020. Please save the dates!
We will do our best to hold a most exciting, enriching and insightful conference. We cannot but thank Prof. Marina Terkourafi, Prof. Patricia Bou and Prof. Jef Verschueren for their flexibility, understanding and availability.
Presentations that have already been accepted will be kept in the programme. All accepted themed sessions will also be kept. Also, the themed session on relevance-theoretic pragmatics honouring Prof. Deirdre Wilson will also be kept, as Prof. Wilson will be able to participate.
We will keep you updated about the conference. Thank you for your understanding. We do hope you and your beloved ones are fine and stay safe and healthy.
The research group “Intercultural Pragmatic Studies (English-Spanish): Pragmatic and Discourse Issues” is pleased to announce the upcoming Ninth International Symposium on Intercultural, Cognitive and Social Pragmatics Sept (EPICS IX, after the Spanish acronym for “Encuentros de Pragmática Intercultural, Cognitiva y Social”). EPICS IX will be held on 4th-6th November 2020, at the Faculty of Humanities of Pablo de Olavide University, Seville (Spain).
Previous EPICS conferences have addressed issues pertaining to intercultural pragmatics, (im)politeness in interpersonal communication, interlanguage pragmatics, recent developments in relevance theory, language aggression and conflict, pragmatics in mediated communication, instruction of pragmatics through new technologies, or communication, culture and cognition. EPICS IX will be dedicated to analysing and discussing possible (new) interactions between intercultural, cognitive and social approaches in pragmatics with a view to looking into communication in the 21st century. In line with this, the conference theme will be
EPICS IX seeks to provide a forum for practitioners of pragmatics and other related disciplines to present on their latest research from social, cognitive or intercultural perspectives, as well as to suggest new avenues for research and share experiences. EPICS IX also wishes to create awareness among graduate students of the interest in pragmatics within the broad field of linguistics.
We are very honoured that the following scholars have agreed to be EPICS IX keynote speakers:
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Nov '20
09:00 Starting date
14:00 Closing date
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